From law firm sign to marketing strategy: How law firms will attract clients in 2024

As a lawyer, your legal expertise plays no role in whether you are perceived as competent, think of your dentist. Do you know if he is a good doctor? Do you know if he is a better doctor than the 10 other dentists in your area? Of course not and that's obvious - you're not a dentist! Surprise: That's exactly how your (potential) clients feel. This means that today you need other ways to be found and commissioned by clients. In the following article, we show you:

  • why marketing is important for lawyers,
  • what you need to bear in mind as a lawyer,
  • when a marketing agency is helpful for lawyers
  • and what mistakes you should avoid

Warum ist Marketing für Anwälte wichtig?

The Internet makes it possible to find and contact an extremely large number of lawyers within a few seconds - just think about your own Google searches: How often do you click on page 2? Have you ever been on page 5? Neither has your potential client. The competition for you is incredibly high. But Google won't put your website on page one if you don't take care of it.

Your advantages with Marketing:

1. You will be found!

The competition for you is greater than ever before. Your website will be lost in the mass of the other 10,000 sites. Clients will not find you easily. That's why you should use targeted marketing measures to ensure that potential clients do find you in future, which will also increase the recognition value and reach of your law firm.

2. Gaining trust

You work in an industry in which trust is the indispensable basis for every new mandate. Gain the trust of potential clients before another lawyer is quicker! But how? By publishing helpful tips and blogs on your website and social media channels. Clients will come to you for initial help with their problems and decide to contact you instead of switching to another website.

3. Incorporate call-to-action

Imagine this: The client finds initial approaches to his problem on your law firm's website. A simple sentence like “You should act within a few days, otherwise the deadline will expire” motivates them to act immediately.

However, your contact details are difficult to find or copy and so they immediately jump to the next website. The best way to convert website visitors into clients is JUPUS. With JUPUS you won't lose clients to the competition:  In addition, you save a great deal of time and personnel and immediately recognize whether the mandate is lucrative.

4. Strengthen client loyalty

In addition to acquiring new clients, client loyalty also plays a decisive role in marketing. You strengthen the relationship with the client by sending out regular newsletters and providing useful information. This greatly increases the likelihood that clients will continue to use your services in the future.

Prerequisite for successful law firm marketing

It is absolutely essential that you have your figures in mind: How much revenue do you gain from which cases? How time-consuming are they?  What do you enjoy? Find out which cases make the most sense for you in order to form concrete goals. This is the only way to work successfully with a marketing agency.

Do you really need a marketing agency?

When the topic becomes complex, it makes sense to hire a professional marketing agency. Why? The experts have the necessary experience and expertise to achieve your goals quickly and in the long term. There are also many fake offers on the Internet that have little or no effect.

To summarize: The biggest mistake is not doing any marketing.

Key Take-aways:

  • Marketing is extremely important for lawyers to be found on the Internet
  • You won't find potential clients if you don't take care of them
  • Gaining trust through helpful content on the website and social media channels
  • Include a call-to-action so that the client contacts you immediately
  • Knowing turnover and setting targets for the law firm
  • Strengthen client loyalty with newsletters
  • Hire a marketing agency for complex topics

Modern marketing: Convert more website visitors into clients, save time and manpower with JUPUS.